Closing the Valence Gap in Emotion Recognition

blog gap between the valence gap in emotion regognition from voice. Finally closing the challgenge in speech emotion recogniton

2021 has been an exciting year for our researches working on the recognition of emotions from speech. Benefiting from the recent advances in transformer-based architectures, we have for the first time built models that predict valence with a similar high precision as arousal.

Human in the Loop – How Do We Create AI?

Human teaching two robots - how audeerign is creating AI

Developing AI technology as we do at audEERING, we need to understand our human perception. Everyday perception is enabling us to realize the emotional state of our communication partner in different situations. In the process of Human Machine Learning we need to give the algorithm essential input. How do we at audEERING create AI?

ERIK – Emotion Recognition for Autism Therapy

ERIK robot and human - Autism Therapy via project funded by the BMBF

The recognition and perception of emotional output is an essential part of human communication. To develop the socio-emotional communication skills of autistic children, therapy has to focus on that. In the ERIK project a new form of therapy is being developed.

Big Data AI Summit: Talk on Voice Biomarkers

bitkom Big data AI summit with audEERING Talk on Voice biomarker

“Audio AI in medicine – is voice the new blood?” We are developing voice biomarkers at audEERING and that is the reason why our CEO Dagmar Schuller recently held a talk at this year´s Big Data AI Summit.

How Speaker Identification Affects Emotion Detection

Speaker identification affects the emtoion detection from Voice AI

Speaker Identification is an important part of voice-based technologies like voice and speech recognition. It can provide unique information like gender and age. So how can it affect a technology like emotion detection from speech?

Health AI Part 3: Corona Detection from the Voice

Health AI audEERING part 3 blog series

Many diseases can be detected from the voice as they affect speech production. This also includes COVID-19 as it is a respiratory disease. In this third part of our Health AI series, we will explain how the disease can be detected from the voice.