Prof. Björn
Björn Schuller, Chief Scientific Officer (CSO) and co-founder of audEERING, describes himself as an audiophile and belongs to those who perceive the world via their ears. With his work he is aiming at teaching machines to listen. The focus of his research is on machine learning, automatic speech recognition and affective computing. Björn Schuller teaches at Imperial College London and at the University of Augsburg, Germany, where he holds the Chair of Embedded Intelligence for Healthcare and Wellbeing.
Björn W. Schuller received his diploma, doctoral degree, habilitation, and Adjunct Teaching Professor in Machine Intelligence and Signal Processing all in EE/IT from TUM in Munich. He is Full Professor of Artificial Intelligence and the Head of GLAM at Imperial College London, Full Professor and Chair of Embedded Intelligence for Health Care and Wellbeing at the University of Augsburg, Guest Professor at Southeast University in Nanjingand permanent Visiting Professor at HIT (China) amongst other Professorships and Affiliations. Previous stays include Full Professor at the University of Passau, Key Researcher at Joanneum Research in Graz, and the CNRS-LIMSI in Orsay.
He is a Fellow of the IEEE and Golden Core Awardee of the IEEE Computer Society, Fellow of the BCS, Fellow of the ISCA, President-Emeritus of the AAAC, and Senior Member of the ACM. He (co-)authored over 1,000 publications , is Field Chief Editor of Frontiers in Digital Health and was Editor in Chief of the IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing amongst manifold further commitments and service to the community. His 30+ awards include having been honoured as one of 40 extraordinary scientists under the age of 40 by the WEF in 2015. He served as Coordinator/PI in 15+ European Projects, is an ERC Starting and DFG Reinhart-Koselleck Grantee, and consultant of companies such as Barclays, GN, Huawei, Informetis, or Samsung.