Dr. Florian Eyben
As CTO and co-founder of audEERING, Dr. Florian Eyben has been the driving force behind the development of innovative software solutions in the field of intelligent audio analysis since 2013.
The electrical engineer, who received his doctorate summa cum laude, is an expert in the field of digital signal processing, speech and music analysis and machine learning. At the Technical University of Munich, he developed the first version of openSMILE, which is now the world’s leading open source toolkit, for voice and music signals to analyze automatically in real time.
To date, he has authored and co-authored over 150 peer-reviewed publications, and his research on automated speech and music analysis has been cited over 7,000 times. In addition to his role as CTO of audEERING, he is actively involved in research activities with cooperating universities and acts as a reviewer for top-class conferences such as ICASSP and Interspeech.
Even in his free time, Florian Eyben is all about visions of the future, because that’s when he prefers to deal with smart home technologies.
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