Health AI Part 2: The Voice is the new Blood

Health AI audEERING part 2 blog series

The human blood is the basis for a variety of medical applications for diagnosis. But what if our voice can also tell us a lot about the current status of a person’s health? An example of the use of intelligent speech analysis and the voice is detecting COVID-19 from speech. This is part 2 of the Health AI series.

Health AI Part 1: the Future of Medicine

Health AI audeering part 1 blog series

We want to give a rough overview of the topic AI from the origins to the current developments in the health industry. Because artificial intelligence is the key technology of the future, especially in the area of health. Start with Part 1 of our Health AI Series on our Youtube Channel.

MARVEL: Audio AI for Smart Cities

Semulin project to use Audio AI for autonoumous cars - audEERING provides Audio AI

The market for smart city projects is huge and still growing. The project MARVEL aims at supporting data-driven real-time application workflows and decision-making in modern cities. For this real-time multi-modal smart city monitoring, audEERING provides its well-known acoustic scene detection.

WorkingAge: Improved working conditions for older workers

Project WorkingAge tool for monitoring stress levels

European Population is ageing and good working conditions are more important than ever. In a society where employment is prolonged to higher ages, a project like WorkingAge aims to promote healthy habits in working environments. audEERING is part of the consortium.

Transparent AI Part 3: Machine Learning and AI Processes

Transparent AI - #3 How to train an AI?

In the past two episodes, we clarified the definition, and we learned one of the common ways to model emotions. In this episode, we want to see what are machine learning and artificial intelligence and how can we use them to create an AI agent.

AI vs. Corona: Detecting Diseases from the Voice

AI vs. Corona Can AI help with the disease?

What can AI do in the fight against the corona virus? Audio AI can really move the needle in medicine as the magazine Nature recently published. Diseases like Parkinson’s, depression and COVID-19 have one thing in common: They affect the way a person’s voice sounds.

Affective Computing Gets even Your Grandma Excited about VR

affective computing with player

Trees were starting to blossom in the spring of 2016, when Oculus Rift was released as a consumer product. You could put it on and simply teleport into the virtual realm. It is enhanced with more features ever since, helping the users to feel even more immersed in the environment.