Audio AI
in Health:
Voice Biomarkers

Detecting diseases from the voice? What initially sounds like a futuristic scenario could soon become reality thanks to modern voice AI technology.

Audio AI 
in Health: 
Voice Biomarkers

Diseases Affect
Voice Production

Our entire body influences the sound of our voice. Chest, throat and head must be coordinated when we make a sound. Many diseases affect this complex process. They generate specific features in the speech, which AI voice analysis can detect. These so called biomarkers can be used to distinguish a sick person from a healthy one.

Diseases Affect 
Voice Production
Motoric Functionalities

Step 1:
Motoric Functionalities

Numerous organs and muscle groups are involved in speech production, e.g. the vocal folds, tongue and cheek muscles. Disease-related motoric disorders are therefore directly noticeable in the speech.

Cognitive Control 
and Voice Analysis

Step 2:
Cognitive Control
and Voice Analysis

Verbal articulation is very demanding on the brain. The fine motor muscles in particular must be perfectly controlled in order to clearly speak syllables and words. Cognitive disorders therefore show characteristic symptoms in the flow of speech early on.

Aspects of the Voice

Step 3:
Aspects of the Voice

The sound of the human voice is directly influenced by the current anatomical and physical status of the speaker. For example, the breathing frequency will increase while doing sports.

COVID-19 negative
COVID-19 positive

Detecting COVID-19 with up to 82%

Respiratory diseases like COVID-19 change voice characteristics such as intonation, intensity and tempo. Trained with sound and voice data, audEERING’s AI systems can recognize these changes.

In cooperation with the University of Augsburg, we carry out a research study on a voice-based COVID-19 test. We collect data samples, audio recordings, and related health data. The result: Our AI system can then achieve an accuracy of up to 82%.

Accurate Performance
Accurate Performance

Detecting COVID-19
from the voice

Data Security
Data Security

Highest data security standards
for health related data

Immediate Results
Immediate Results

Fast results based on a few
voice recordings

AI SoundLab:
 Web-based Health Platform

AI SoundLab: Web-based Health Platform

When developing health AI, precision is paramount. For health applications, the best data quality and the highest possible data security are required at the same time

Our AI SoundLab platform processes data from healthy and sick people under the highest security standards in Germany. Health data enriched by AI technology enables quicker diagnosis from completely human experts. AI SoundLab can monitor health developments, provide analysis for diagnosis, and collect data for the development of voice biomarkers.

Detecting Parkinson’s with emteq

Emteq is a hardware manufacturer of emotion sensor technology. Their emteq glasses analyze and monitor speech and other biometric data over time. audEERING contributes the audio intelligence technology for speech analysis. Together we were able to identify a patient with Parkinson’s with an accuracy of 92 percent.

Detecting Parkinson’s with emteq

Health AI:
The Future of Medicine

Health AI will never replace the doctor. However, we believe that AI-based health applications will be the next big step in medicine. Faster, cheaper and more accurate diagnoses for millions of people worldwide.


audEERING’s Health
Platform AI SoundLab

Learn more about AI SoundLab. audEERING’s web-based platform for voice analysis in the health sector and related application areas.

More info ›

Voice Study
for COVID-19

In collaboration with the University of Augsburg audEERING conducted a study about developing a voice-based COVID-19 test. We have collected thousands of voice recordings in this scientific study.

More info ›