Semulin project to use Audio AI for autonoumous cars - audEERING provides Audio AI

MARVEL: Audio AI for Smart Cities

Caro Bauer

The market for smart city projects is huge and still growing. Globally, 608 billion US-Dollars have been spent on smart city projects in 2019. Prognoses say, that by 2024 this amount will reach more than a trillion US-Dollars worldwide. This shows the importance of this sector and is one of the reasons, why audEERING is participating in the EU-funded research project MARVEL.

Real-time Monitoring for Safety

The project MARVEL aims at supporting data-driven real-time application workflows and decision-making in modern cities. To this end, the convergence of a set of technologies is needed: AI, analytics, multimodal perception, software engineering and HPC as part of an Edge-Fog-Cloud Computing Continuum paradigm that goes beyond traditional Big Data. With technologies like this societal changes can be addressed very effectively, from increasing public safety and security to analysing traffic flows and traffic behaviour.

Acoustic Scene Detection for Quick Responses

For this real-time multi-modal smart city monitoring, audEERING provides its well-known acoustic scene detection based on deploying multi-modal sensors. The technology can detect and identify events in real-time and improve the response time of authorities. In case of an accident e.g., police and paramedics can be alerted much quicker and lives can be saved.

Societal Aspects like Data Privacy

However, especially in Europe people are anxious about surveillance and data privacy, therefore monitoring in the public space is a topic that has to be addressed in transparent and open way. Hence, smart city solutions need to be envisioned not only from a technical perspective but also from a societal perspective with the aim to understand the impact of the technology in people’s lives. The consortium for MARVEL aims to provide this with the participation of 17 organisations from 12 countries.

If you are interested in more information about this project, make sure to follow us on Social Media, as we will share news about it once in a while, and visit the website: