Affective Avatars & The Voice AI Solution

VR Avatars with Voice AI as the key factor - audeering

We use avatars to show our identity or assume other identities, and want to make sure we express ourselves the way we want. The key factor in expression is emotion. Without recognizing emotions, we have no way of modifying a player’s avatar to express their expression and individuality. 
With entertAIn play, recognizing emotion becomes possible.

A Devcom 2021 Panel Review: AI for Playtesting & VR

devcom panel 2021 review AI for playtesting and VR panel participants

Just like last year, we are proud that we got the chance to present our ideas and be part of the devcom Developer Conference 2021. We talked in a panel discussion about the entertAIn brand. If you missed the talk, watch it on our Youtube Channel.

Integrating Emotions into Your Game

Games and AI ? Growth of the games industry audEERING. The social impact of emotion AI in Gaming

If you have been following our blog posts, you know that we explained the importance of emotions and their role in our daily interactions (link to the first blog). Then, we focused on the human-computer interaction in the context of video games (link to the second blog post), and finally, we explained how emotions can be the missing layer for human-computer interaction (link to the third blog post). This week, we will see how integrating this emotional layer into your products can benefit you and as a result, makes the world a better place.

Emotional Interaction – The Missing Link

Emotional interaction and the missing link of the AI Gaming Series

In our last blog posts, we explained the role of emotions in video games, had an overview of the human-computer interaction and what it meant for the video game industry. We found out that from a technical perspective we have reached almost full freedom in the 3D environment. For example, CAVEs can give you the freedom to navigate naturally in a virtual environment in real-time.

New Ways of Human-Machine Interaction in Video Games

When you write a text message to your friend, call them, or meet them in a cafe, you are interacting with them. Any conversation can be an interaction. Interaction happens when two or more objects or agents affect one another. Some centuries ago, humans were mostly interacting with each other and their domestic animals, and thanks to evolution, we are equipped for that.

What AI has to say about: Game of Thrones: Battle of Winterfell

the team of audEERING watching and recording game of thrones in the office using ExamAIner

Well, I think you can imagine what happened next. We placed microphones in the conference room and recorded the audience throughout the screening. Then we passed the acquired data to ExamAIner which is a web application using the emotion recognition audEERING technology in the backend.

Gamer Monitoring – Part 1

game monitoring for children helps in the game industry

If you have been following our gaming blogs, there is a chance that you have also wondered about the other applications of emotion recognition in the video game industry.

Today, we will talk about another application: Gamer monitoring.