ERIK – Emotion Recognition for Autism Therapy

ERIK robot and human - Autism Therapy via project funded by the BMBF

The recognition and perception of emotional output is an essential part of human communication. To develop the socio-emotional communication skills of autistic children, therapy has to focus on that. In the ERIK project a new form of therapy is being developed.

EASIER: Voice AI for Barrier-Free Communication

Easier project with audEERING for Barrier-free communication helped by voice AI

The EU research project EASIER aims to design, develop and validate a complete multilingual machine translation system to serve as a framework for accessible communication for deaf and hearing people.

Big Data AI Summit: Talk on Voice Biomarkers

bitkom Big data AI summit with audEERING Talk on Voice biomarker

“Audio AI in medicine – is voice the new blood?” We are developing voice biomarkers at audEERING and that is the reason why our CEO Dagmar Schuller recently held a talk at this year´s Big Data AI Summit.

How Speaker Identification Affects Emotion Detection

Speaker identification affects the emtoion detection from Voice AI

Speaker Identification is an important part of voice-based technologies like voice and speech recognition. It can provide unique information like gender and age. So how can it affect a technology like emotion detection from speech?

Health AI Part 3: Corona Detection from the Voice

Health AI audEERING part 3 blog series

Many diseases can be detected from the voice as they affect speech production. This also includes COVID-19 as it is a respiratory disease. In this third part of our Health AI series, we will explain how the disease can be detected from the voice.

Health AI Part 2: The Voice is the new Blood

Health AI audEERING part 2 blog series

The human blood is the basis for a variety of medical applications for diagnosis. But what if our voice can also tell us a lot about the current status of a person’s health? An example of the use of intelligent speech analysis and the voice is detecting COVID-19 from speech. This is part 2 of the Health AI series.

SEMULIN: Audio AI for Autonomous Cars

Blue Car

The market for autonomous driving is projected to grow from 5,7 billion in 2018 to 60 billion US-Dollars in 2030. This shows the potential this technology will have in the future and is one of the reason why the German government provided funding for project SEMULIN.